Interactive learning becomes more and more functional. Through traditional and innovative tools, it shows us all the potential contribution of new currents and resources in the field of education.
Many psychologists, biologists, mathematicians….each one has contributed a brick in an attempt to improve the understanding of this process. So, in this article today we want to talk to you about interactive learning.
Let’s start with “learning” and “interaction”. The first concept refers to the acquisition of lasting conduct through practice, while the second refers to an action that takes shape between two or more objects, people, agents, forces, functions, etc.. But then, what is interactive learning?
Interactive learning: what does it consist of?
It is a form of dynamic learning associated with movement. It offers stimulating activities, which encourage the person to keep active by deepening their knowledge.
For this purpose, different actors and elements are needed:
Lecturer. It acts as a leader that motivates learning.
Pupils. They keep themselves active during learning.
Space. It can be a classroom in the school or another place, the important thing is that it is functional to learning.
In interactive learning we can include different tools that help to achieve the objectives set. A recurring tool is to keep learning constant, avoiding procrastination.
How to teach interactively?
It is important that active learning activities are based on constant dialogue. The idea is that the teacher gets more involved in learning, but in a global way, i.e. going beyond theory.
In tune with the context and the objectives, the teacher:
- Plans the learning process.
- He intervenes to motivate learning and to address the pupils.
- He supervises the work of the pupils.
- He is open to dialogue.
- Generates positive expectations about the content to be addressed.
- Is innovative in the learning process
The teacher acts as a facilitator of learning, which is why, in addition to the characteristics mentioned, he must know himself and manage himself. In this type of learning, therefore, emotions, cognition and conduct also count. We are talking, in fact, about a person who must set an example: he gives the demonstration and the pupils observe, and then repeat or create.
In interactive learning, intelligence emerges in an integral way, so that not only the intellectual aspect is developed, artistic, cultural, empathy, self-regulating skills, etc. also count. As a guide, the teacher must keep up and help to enhance these skills. Fantastic, isn’t it?

How do you learn interactively?
The pupil is an actor (active participant), so he or she can be involved in all activities, for example by presenting a topic. Afterwards, they receive feedback not only from the teacher, but also from their classmates and themselves.
He can try his hand at:
- Inverted classroom. In which the best virtual and in-presence strategies are applied. In addition, here the pupil can develop different skills that will allow him/her to be able to rely on integral learning.
- Activities that promote learning by skills. It is about learning step by step, until specific skills are developed.
- Interaction with technological resources or not. The student relates to different tools that promote learning; for example, participating in a brainstorming that takes place in a virtual and shared space, making an explanatory video, learning through games, etc..
Interactive learning and research
There are many spaces dedicated to education that have made interactive learning their flag. The important thing is to know how to look for them if we want to be part of this mode of learning which, although it has existed for years, is becoming more and more consolidated and enriched thanks to technological progress. It is not only about primary schools, but also about higher education.
There are many research studies conducted on the function of the virtual applied to learning. It is not enough to put traditional material on a website, you have to adapt it to the new space. Therefore, it is not just a matter of mixing; it is rather a form of learning that is innovative, yet oriented, supervised and supported by solid theoretical foundations.
To sum up, interactive learning relies on a relationship that takes shape in different contexts, in which the teacher, the student and the classmates are involved; all in a dynamic and conscious way, so that each participant can participate. It goes beyond traditional learning models, integrated in an innovative proposal.